Our PeopleOur Team:
Klub Gaja people who work together for themselves, the earth and all beings. They vary in age, education and come from different origins. They share experiences and create life together. They try to find a common world in their diversity.
Jacek Bożek
The scholarship holder of the New South Wales in Australia, he worked in Rainforest Information Center. The holder of a scholarship and a member of the International NGO "Ashoka Innovators for the Public".
The Founder, President and leader of Klub Gaja. Director of Gaia Club in the UK and President of Club Gaia Nederland in Holland. A social entrepreneur by occupation. He was a co-leader of the Zieloni 2004 party (Green Party). Born in 1958. He had problems with finishing formal education since his youngest years. He travelled the world looking for his path. He studied many courses both in Poland and abroad on the subject of Ecology and Social Action.
Since the 70s Jacek has been working in theatre, he took part in Jerzy Grotowski's Laboratorium Theatre projects. He acted in the Pantomime Theatre in Bielso-Biala and founded his own theatre "Warsztat" In the 1980s he worked a s a teacher of Hatha-Yoga, and ran his own school for seven years. He published the "Free Tybet" bulletin in Poland, and campaigned for the rights of Tybetan asylum seekers. He took part in the independent ecological movement during communism in Poland (in Zarnowiec and Czorsztyn).
In 1988 Jacek founded Klub Gaja, one of the best known Social Organisations in Poland. He set up the social education programme "The path of the Gaia Warrior", and edited the book and radio audition of the same title. He is the co-ordinator of the Polish "Vistula Now" campaign, which has received many prizes.
He co-authored the book "Save the River" and "Man and Dog". He is the editor of the "Wistula Fax" bulletin. He set up the project "Art for the Earth", directed many street theatre performances such as "Presentation", "A wild river in the heart of Europe", "A short history about Pegasus, who was an angel". Jacek still does workshops and lectures.
Paweł Grzybowski In 1992 he was the founder and front man of the Polish punk-rock group "NDW Wysokie Napięcie". The band twice took part in the "Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity", an annual Polish music event which raises money for charity. He took part in the anti-military movement, providing information for people interested in alternative military service. In 1995 when working with Klub Gaja and the Polish Animal Liberation Front, he founded and led a local ALF group in his hometown Kościan, where among other campaigns, he organised the campaign "The Circus is funny, but not for animals". He began working for Klub Gaja in 1996. He looks after our education centre "Bajka Klubu Gaja", and leads the campaign "An animal is not an object". He takes part in and co-authors our performances and street theatre plays. He is the editor of the Klub Gaja bulletins: "Wisła Fax" and "Współodczuwanie". He is the co-ordinator of the Poland-wide campaign "The Circus is funny, but not for animals". He received an award from the President of Klub Gaja in 1997, for his successful work.
Beata Tarnawa
Born in 1963 in Wilkowice, Silesia. Her inspiration is the Earth and working in a community. Since 1988, her creative work is closely linked to Klub Gaja activities. She uses various art forms such as painting, graphics and scenography in her work for social change.
She designs posters, designs graphics for Klub Gaja publications and the scenography for Klub Gaja performances. She exhibits her art: -"Posrodku ziemi stoję": Galeria Nova in Warsaw (2001), Galeria Alchemia in Cracow (2002), The Centre of Contemporary Art in Ujazdowski Palace, Warsaw (2003), Bielsko-Biała kinoplex (2003) -Na jedną noc": Galeria Le Madame, Warsaw (2004). -"Art for the Earth" Galeria Bielska BWA (2005).
Ewa Konczal
Ewa is a committee member of Klub Gaja. Whilst at university, she was an active member of the student group AIESEC. Later she worked in Egypt for 1,5 years on behalf of this organisation. In order to support herself in Egypt, together with local businessmen, she formed a Polish-Egyptian Businessman's association, which organised trade missions to Poland. (the association is still active today). After a short return to Poland, the travelling bug took her to India, where she did voluntary work for an organisation campaigning against the employment of children. Her experience at AIESEC and her work in India made her decide on a career in charitable organisations.
Since 2000, Ewa has been leading a program of the International NGO "Ashoka innovators for the public" in Poland (www.ashoka.pl, www.ashoka.org). Her main work is to find and support social innovators, who work for social change in Poland. the aim of Ashoka is to support and nurture co-operation between these various organisations, so that their work can have the greatest possible effect.
In 2004, together with a friend, Ewa formed the "Czarodziejska Góra" Foundation (Magical Mountain Foundation) whose aim is to teach co-operation, friendship, trust and partnership through mountain climbing, and educatioanl, ecological and sport programmes in a mountain environment. The Foundation's work is aimed especially at handicapped children and those excluded from society. Ewa is certain, that every person who has had the luck to be born into privilege, to obtain an education, the chance to travel and have interesting experiences, should share this with others and try to have a positive effect on their, or their chosen environment.
Jarosław Kasprzyk
Jarek is the co-founder of the Polish oranisation "Another Culture", which promotes independent art and culture. He has been working with Klub Gaja since 1997. He organises educational activities for children and young people as part of the international projects: "Tree Day" and "How to act for the Earth". He organises Klub Gaja's exhibitions in towns throughout Poland as well as information stands presenting Klub Gaja's work. He is board chairman of Klub Gaja. He loves travelling.
Halina Sobańska
Halina has been involved with Klub Gaja for many years. She is our accountant and also takes part in street theatre and other performances.
Agnieszka Przygodzka
Agnieszka founded Club Gaia Nederland in Amsterdam. She has a restless spirit and loves the mountains. She searches for harmony between herself and the world. She is connected to Klub Gaja by her love for the Earth and all beings.
Sally Naylor She plays musical instruments. During her time in Klub Gaja, she was responsible for International co-operation. She perseveres in learning Polish! She leads Club Gaia UK Address: Club Gaia
81 Heybeck Lane
West Yorkshire
WF 12 7QX; England E-mail: ClubGaiaUK@aol.com
Tel: 01924 472452
Barbara Romanowicz
I studied Zoology at Leeds University in England. I came to Poland in March 2005 to work for Klub Gaja as an EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteer. I plan to be here for one year. My work involves writing articles for the Klub Gaja web page, translating and taking part in various street performances and happenings. I also carry out Ecology lessons with children in both Polish and English. Whilst at Leeds, I was secretary of the “People &Planet” student group, and was active in "Green Action" , another student group. We provided information, organized film presentations, took part in demonstrations and ran an organic food co-op in our university. Through working for Klub Gaja, I hope to learn many new things, especially about environmental campaigning in Poland. I really like working here, Poland is a vibrant country where so much is happening right now. I love the mountains, working with animals and gardening.